Small Business Week St Peter | MN 2016

Its National Small Business Week!  We at Poshinate Kiddos are proud to be small business owners in the wonderful community of St Peter, Minnesota.  We are located in our own part of the building on the west side at Suite 1A 326 South Minnesota Ave. 

Our adorable kids boutique offers a posh selection of unique, fun, non-toxic, eco-friendly, practical and educational products.  We carry the latest in cute baby and kids fashions and accessories along with baby/mama care necessities, toys, games and gifts. Whew, that was a mouthful.

This is the 53rd year in a row that the president of the United States has declared one week per year the official celebration of the Main Street entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs are many things.  They are risk takers, passionate, resourceful, resilient & creative to name a few. 

Of the more than 28 million small businesses currently in operation in the U.S., approximately 7.8 million of them are owned and operated by women like you and us.

Small Business Week | Did You Know?

Several studies have shown that when you buy from an independent, locally-owned business, rather than a nationally-owned businesses, significantly more of your money is used to make purchases from other local businesses, service providers, and farms -- continuing to strengthen the economic base of the community. Also small businesses like Poshinate Kiddos are typically very in tune with the latest trends!

Where we shop, where we eat and have fun -- all of it makes our community home. Our one-of-a-kind businesses are an integral part of the distinctive character of this place. Our tourism businesses also benefit.

The St Peter business community is thriving with over 240 businesses belonging to the local chamber. Shopping in the Norman Rockwell type setting in the beautiful Minnesota River Valley is a special event indeed.  There is also a wonderful variety of eateries, museums and galleries, not to mention wonderful hiking, biking.

So get out and support your local small businesses, especially here in St Peter.  And of course come see us at Poshinate Kiddos, or shop online at and pickup in store Free!


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