Farm Poshinate Kiddos

Baby Learning Toy Set | 8 pcs

8 pc set! Sold out
  • Baby Learning Toy Set | 8 pcs - Baby Toys - Poshinate Kiddos Baby & Kids Store - View of front of box

Farm Poshinate Kiddos

Baby Learning Toy Set | 8 pcs

8 pc set! Sold out

This 8-piece Baby Learning Toy Set is perfect for babies aged 0-6 months! Its designed to support your baby's early development, fostering growth in sensory skills, motor skills, and cognitive abilities with newborn toys that will capture your baby’s attention · This box includes 1 acoustic wooden egg shaker, 1 plush activity cube with attached teether toy and mirror, 1 cow stroller toy with attachable loop, 1 soft sherpa sheep crinkle toy, 1 plush baby book with 3 additional high contrast flash cards · The black and white baby book includes 3 insertable flash cards and a mirror. The plush baby book utilizes bold colors and shapes to stimulate visual development & Develop Sensory Skills.